[ASKKPOP] A Pink express their jealousy toward Eunji's friendship with Jo In Sung

A Pinkgathered onMnet's 'Beatles Code 3D' and talked about what made them jealous about the popularityEunjigarnered through acting.
Hayoungsaid, "The audience's shout is different [for Eunji] at events. Their cheers are especially loud when she sings," andNamjoocommented, "I'm jealous that she gets to interact with a lot of people because she's in dramas."
Shindongresponded, "I heard you guys were envious when she came back from drinking with her drama co-starJo In Sungand bragged about it?"
Namjoo said, "I was jealous when she called him 'In Sung oppa,'"showing Eunji's close ties with Jo In sung after their drama, 'Wind Blows In Winter'.
Check out the episode, also featuringMBLAQ, below!