[ASKKPOP] 8 Artists with that 'Unique Voice'

Korea is completely inundated with singers from the pretty idols and talented dancers to the indie artists and OST stars. However, amongthe Korean artists I know, the names that immediately flood my head when I hearthe phrase 'unique voice' form a much shorter list. Much like the "it factor", it's a bit hard to quantify but when you hear it, you just know that there's something special there.
Keepin mind that this list is solely based on my opinion and the artists are who Ideem to have unique voices. Also, I'mlimited to the scope of artists that I've been exposed to so I apologize in advance for notincluding your favorite artist!
Kim Yoon Ah
Let'sstart with Kim Yoon Ah. If you don't know already, Kim Yoon Ah is the leadsinger of alternative rock bandJaurim. I selected her because she encompassesso much dynamic range. She could yodel powerfully in one song but tone down toa soft warble in the next. Her slightly nasal singing pitch or hercaterwauling—if you can call it that—may not be everyone's cup of tea, but youcan't deny that it's a rare voice in the Korean music scene.
Zion. T
Nextup is Zion. T. With Zion. T, 'unique' is an understatement. His singing isextremely difficult to describe (at least for me); I sat for a good thirtyminutes—maybe more—of lucubration, deeply contemplating which select set ofwords would best define Zion. T's none-too-typical singing style. It's odd, butodd in a pleasing sort of way. He departs entirely from the norm with hispeculiar voice, delivering perfect pitch with light, airy hums and squeakyclean harmonization that is skillfully layered for your listening pleasure.
Park Bom
ParkBom is one of the few idol singers I know very well. And I just happen to think sheis gifted with powerful, distinctive vocals. Her audition tape in which shecoversFaith Evansis a video that amazes me every time I watch it. How cansuch a strong, forceful sound ensue from such a petite creature? It's not onlyher voice, but also thewayshe singsthat makes this female vocalist stand out. She sings with such bold, unreservedemotion during live shows ("It Hurts", "If I Were You", "Don't Cry", etc.), that Ican't help but get the feels when I watch her perform.
Jo Hyun Ah
JoHyun Ah ofUrban Zakapahas a singing voice and style that is hard not to fallin love with. I became acquainted with her voice mainly due to the fact thatshe features on countless songs that are on my playlist. I downloaded UrbanZakapa's first album just to hear more of Jo Hyun Ah. What I noticed abouther is the 'pliability' of her vocals to any given genre. It is appropriate forany occasion whether it be a jazz-infused pop song (Block B's"When, Where, How"),a laidback acoustic track (Verbal Jint's "Promise, Promise"), or a modernsynth-heavy hip-hop track (G-Slow's "Embrace Me").
Jin Shil
JinShil is a singer I just had to include on this list. Who is Jin Shil you ask?Well, if you have heardTablo's "Bad",Primary's "Happy Ending" or are a fan ofsingerJ.ae, you may know who I am talking about. She is a part of anelectronica band calledMad Soul Childwhich was a bit of a surprise for mesince her voice seems more fitting for an acoustic/folk group. Jin Shil hasthat low, throaty voice that will immediately grab your attention. Her vocalsare strangely soothing and once you hear it you can't help but crave for more.Like Kim Yoon Ah's vocals, Jin Shil's voice is not one you'd encounter just anywhere.
Upnext is R&B/Soul singer Junggigo. Ah, JungGiGo, I remember you before your"Some" days. I believe songs such as "Cream", "Byebyebye", and "Blind" better embodyJungGiGo's color. The faintly quavering, high-pitch tone he adapts when hits those notes feels akin to melting cotton candy in your ears. His voice lends thelighthearted sensation that you are treading on some fluffy substance. Or isthat just me? If you wish to feel relaxed or create that chill mood, tossJungGiGo's voice in there somewhere and you will attain your objective.
Kim Yerim (Lim Kim)
KimYerim is a fairly nascent singer in the K-Pop scene. Even though she is still ablossoming artist, she has captured the attention and hearts of the masses,myself included. Her soft, husky tone of singing is surprisingly mature forsomeone who is barely past twenty. Though her singing style is typically mellowand delicate, she manages to add character with genuine feeling that is hardeven for a veteran singer to express.
Bumkeywill be the last artist I will mention on this list. Bumkey is a name that hasbeen familiar to me since 2010. Even then, when he was mostly featuring forbigger names to gethisnameoutthere, I've kept him under close watch since his voice left such an impression.Bumkey's soulful vocals hold that natural power to spruce up any song with much desired funk.Like Zion. T, Bumkey has a voice that is difficult to exactly describe withwords. When you listen however, you are automatically drawn to it like atoddler to shiny toys (hopefully my terrible analogy didn't make you wince).
The Korean music industry is a saturatedmarket—particularly the pop scene. Amid all the solo acts, boy bands, girlgroups, duos, trios, quartets, etc., that are being pumped out at great volume,it may be quite difficult for an individual to distinguish him / herself from thecrowd. Artists essentially compete with the sameset of talents and concepts which makes it increasingly hard to be discerned orperceived as unique. However, these are some of the select few artists that succeeded instanding out and capturing my oft fleeting attention with their unique vocal ability.Thereare many more artists with distinctive voices that I didn't mention so please feelfree to create your own list and share it below!