[ASKKPOP] 2PM's Jun.K puts on his final performance of 'The Three Musketeers'

2PM'sJun.Khad his final performance of the musical 'The Three Musketeers'.
He posted his feelings about the project coming to an end to Instagram on March 28,"Today was the final showing of 'The Three Musketeers'. We were together for over a year! Everyone worked hard. I sincerely thank everyone who came to see me."
Jun.K also shared a photo of the musical actors he spent time with for the past year of the project in which he played the handsome lead d'Artagan.
Fans commented,"You worked hard during the year," "Forever 'The Three Musketeers''," and more.
He posted his feelings about the project coming to an end to Instagram on March 28,"Today was the final showing of 'The Three Musketeers'. We were together for over a year! Everyone worked hard. I sincerely thank everyone who came to see me."
Jun.K also shared a photo of the musical actors he spent time with for the past year of the project in which he played the handsome lead d'Artagan.
Fans commented,"You worked hard during the year," "Forever 'The Three Musketeers''," and more.