[ASKKPOP] 11 female idols who are known to derp
Our favorite female idols are beautiful. Stunning beings with their sexy eyeliner, beautiful skin, and glorious hair, female idols are bombshells that are here to blow us away with just one look.
Queens. Bow down.
Despite being flawless, however, some special female idols have quite the rep for being unexpectedly, hilariously derpy. Here are some of the derpiest female idols around that often have fans laughing at and falling in love with their array of facial expressions, whether they derp on purpose or not.
Girls' Generation's Sooyoung

Many people deemSooyoung's looks to be "exotic", but some don't know just how "exotic" her contorted facial expressions can get! Usually a goddess with all her hair-flipping glory, Sooyoung rarely derps by accident, but rather, chooses to derp for a living, entertaining TV viewers and fans alike with her wide-eyed look.
Girls' Generation's Taeyeon

Girls' Generationhas always had the reputation for being a group of dorky girls, but another member who particular stands out with her derp moments is none other than kid leader,Taeyeon.Known for her expressive looks, Taeyeon has some of the goofiest, childlike reactions that have all the fancams eyeing her way in an attempt to capture her quirkiness.
Honorary mention:Tiffany
Girl's Day's Minah

Aside from being the master ofaegyo,Minahis also quite the expressive performer. Ever the hard worker, Minah gives her all into every aspect of her idol career, even if it means goingkkabon variety shows, googly-eyeing the camera, or getting captured in an embarrassing picture mid-intense-dancing-slash-singing-session.
Honorary mention:Sojin
"What is this. Do not want."
AOA's Mina
Despite her angelic appearance,Minais known to be quite the expressive derp by her fans. Equipped with a perfectly cute face, she utilizes what she has to display a multitude of expressions--some pretty (see below), others funny (see above).
Honorary mention: DerpYunaand judgingChanmi.
Red Velvet's Wendy

Wendyof rookie groupRed Velvetis already catching fans' attention with her exaggerated reactions. New to the idol world, Wendy always appears either shocked or taken aback, making her journey into K-Pop an amusing one to watch. Welcome to the K-Pop world Wendy, where your misery and horror really is our pleasure.
KARA's Youngji
Newest addition to the groupYoungjiis already making a name for herself as one of the derpiest idols with her carefree personality and her open-mouthed laugh. At one point, she even drools from having her mouth open for too long. Girl, do you know how to idol? It's okay, because even if you don't, you're clearly entertaining and cute in your own weird way.
Whoops, gotta wipe off that drool.
A Pink's Bomi

One of the derpiest of the derp,Bomiis known amongPink Pandas to bring about the laughs for not only her derpy facial expressions but also for her omnomnom moments, honest fart confessions, and strangely accurate gorilla impressions. Seriously, have you seen this girl do the gorilla walk? This walk is seriously made from derpy genius.
miss A's Min

When she's not being a sexy dancing queen,Minknows how to get her derp on with her exaggerated reactions andkkabflow. Whatever she does, she werks it, even if it means being a fun-sized fool.
SISTAR's Hyorin

Even divaHyorincan have her embarrassing off-moments--most famously when she made her big reveal that she doesn't look so hot without her bangs. Hyorin hairflips ever after have never looked the same.
"What are all these pictures."
4minute's HyunA

K-Pop's sexy iconHyunAis often victim to random derp screencapping by fans eager to poke holes into her sultry persona. Netizens find her concepts too sexual? Okay then here. Let's derpify it.
2NE1's CL

Last but not least is2NE1leaderCL, another netizen-favorite for derpy screencaps. A fierce K-Pop bad girl, CL don't care how wild she may look because that's all part of the show. CL oozes with charisma and commands the stage, but when she's caught on derpcam or even has a derpy scare, she proves to also have an endearing, cute side that fans still love.