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"Heaven's Order" will Song Ji-hyo prove the innocence of Lee Dong-wook?

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"Heaven's Order" will Song Ji-hyo prove the innocence of Lee Dong-wook?

Song Ji-hyorealized thatLee Dong-wookwas her life saver.

On the third episode of the KBS 2TV drama "Heaven's Order", Hong Da-in (Song Ji-hyo) realized thatChoi Won(Lee Dong-wook) was the life saver she'd been keeping in her heart.

She was keeping the piece of the ornament dropped by her life saver close to her. She was shocked to find out that the ornament she had belonged to the dead wife ofChoi Won.

She was also shocked thatChoi Wonwas framed for murder because of that ornament.

In the preview that followed, Hong Da-in seemed eager to help outChoi Wonand prove his innocence.

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