'Sports Seoul' writes: "T-ara's agency who even tries to coach us on the direction of our articles 'a shame'"

One of thosewas 'SportsSeoul', who is now firing back atCore Contents Media for trying to intimidate the media outlet into modifying articles that the agency did not like.
With the title "T-ara'sagency who even tries to coach us on the direction of our articles 'a shame'", 'Sports Seoul' has released an editorial criticizing the agency's response to one of their articles, in which they insist they only mentioned the truth.
According to them, out of the 6 articles the media outlet releasedonthe press conference, 5 were up to CCM's standards, while the 6th one, which was labeled 'T-ara'sU.S.venture press conferencethat was not met with applause', had the agency responding in fury.
'Sports Seoul' states that in reality, this press conference was really not met with the hype that other artists' press conferences are met with. They mention that some outlets even just completely skipped out on covering the event.
After seeing the 6th article in question, the agency reps apparently contacted 'Sports Seoul', stating,"The CEO is not pleased," listing reasons as to why the media outlet should change their article.
'Sports Seoul' goes on to point out that this agency is the one who insists on promotingT-arawhen the public still views the group negatively, and yet they get worked up about an article they think sheds negative light on them.
"The agency is expressing discontent because a reporter's subjective opinion was written down instead of repeating their contents like a parrot,"the media outlet wrote.
CCM reps took things even further when they actually showed upat'Sports Seoul's office the next day and cursed at the reporters. The media outlet wrote in conclusion,"Even if their power in the entertainment field has grown, this has gone too far... If they have this much of a high-handed attitude in front of the press, we worry about the kind of attitude they put on when they deal withothercompany reps or fans."
Source: Sports Seoul viaNate