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`` Dr. Detective '' Lee Ki-woo was summoned by the prosecution overwriting the TL group's brutality

In the SBS tree drama `` Dr. Detective '' (director Park Joon-woo, drama writer Song Yun-hee), which aired on the 29th, UDC staff received news that a respiratory disease was caused by a humidifier disinfectant. Min-ki (Bong Tae-gyu) had to collect all the products, but if it was not possible to determine the cause it could take several months. Jung-eun (Park Jin-hee) said that the most likely suspect was the involvement of the mother country (Min. Choi Kwang-il).  Jung told Ilsun that Taeyoung (Lee Kiwoo) would help him, and Mindo agreed to join hands with Taeyoung. Earlier, Taeyoung told Jung Eun to mention UDC directly in the broadcast. Tae-young said, "People General Il-sun will put up the plates first, so I wouldn't have been able to identify it without me." Taeyoung said, "So I'm going to put public opinion on my back. I don't have power unless I draw power from the outside."  According to the operation, Ilsun appeared in the news and TL released a humidifier harmful substance while knowing the possibility of danger. Choi Tae-young was mentioned as a whistleblower, and at the same time, Choi Tae-young held a press conference. The UDC seized and searched for the data in question. In the company, Choi Tae-young was the main culprit of the stock price crash, calling for resignation. Staff following him disappeared one by one. Taeyoung did not bend his will.  Choi Min called the mother country separately and asked if he would leave the TL chemical seizure search alone. Maseong said, "The UCC will be in vain and we should touch the media." "Issue will subside soon. "You can continue as you always do, if you meet with prosecutors and media executives, the humidifier disinfectant will fade and everything will be normal, all that remains is the company and everything will be the foundation of TL."  UDC did not find anything in the data, as the mother country said. Mingi looked for a place that was in charge of the toxic substance and changed the operation route, saying, "Let's change the operation. Jung discovered suspiciousness at a university and told Jung that there was a connection between Mingi three years ago. Jung Eun-do said, “Deceived Kim Yang-hee researcher,” Kim Yang-hee had studied humidifier disinfectant raw materials in a professor's lab closely related to TL Chemical.   Min-ki sneaked into a psychiatric hospital at night and went to the path he followed and followed. Then, Kim Yong-deok, who died in the ward, found signs of possible death. After Kim Yong-deok escaped from the asylum, he was left with something while he was chased by TL. It was the phrase 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth' in the Bible. This coincided with the terrorist text.
Jung went back to Taeyoung and handed over the test results of toxic substances during the seizure search, all of which were manipulated and said that the mother country was involved. The lead researcher was Kim Hee-hee, and his father, Kim Yong-deok, was confined to mercury and confined in a mental hospital. Taeyoung visited both presidents and said, "If you confess to me, I will let you live. A press conference was held.
Taeyoung held a press conference the next day. At this time, prosecutors appeared in front of Taeyoung in front of the press and said, "I am summoning the prosecution on suspicion of destroying evidence of humidifier disinfectant." On the other hand, Doctor Detective is a drama about a new medical investigation containing doctor detectives who solve the social irregularities of industrial sites.