Seo Kang Jun and Mad Town Jota's gushing bromance is literally too much to handle

24-year old friendsSeo Kang JunandMad Town'sJotaare at it again with their lovey-dovey bromance onSBS'Laws of the Jungle in Tonga'.
It all started when comedianHong Yoon Hwapointed out that Seo Kang Jun had a heart-shaped tan on his neck. When asked who he loves that much, Seo Kang Jun answered,"Jota."
Then Jota added fuel to the fire by mentioning,"When I was coming back from getting my leg treated, I saw the sunset, and thought of Kang Jun. Now all I can think of when I see sunsets is Kang Jun."
The gushing doesn't even end there, no no. Seo Kang Jun continued,"I thought of Jota when I saw the stars earlier... You said you liked stars."
Seo Kang Jun not only has words of love for his best friend Jota, but... a heart beam from his heart-shaped tan. He proceeded to hit Jota with his heart beam, asking the staff to computer generate hearts for them!
If you're cringing too much to have a heart attack from the boys' bromance, don't worry, Jota is suffering the heart attack for all of us. Watch out for more and more and more gushing bromance from Seo Kang Jun and Jota, on 'Laws of the Jungle in Tonga', and check out next week's teaser, with2PM'sChansung,Infinite'sSungjong, andAOA'sSeolhyun below!