[ASKKPOP] Result gets announced in appeal trial for Ladies' Code's manager

The appeal trial has now ended for the manager,Mr. Park(27), ofLadies' Codewho sped on a rainy highway, leading to the deaths of two members,EunBandRiSe, who will be missed forever.
On April 15, the Suwon District Court announced the result of the trial in which prosecutors were demanding an extended sentence of two year and six months while Mr. Park was hoping for a lighter sentence, especially after reaching an agreement with the bereaved families.
The court announced a result in favor of Mr. Park by turning his one year and two months jail sentence into a one year and two months jail sentence after a stay of execution of two years, meaning as long as he did not commit a crime and behaved well during that period of time, he will not have to go to prison. On top of that, he would need to do 160 hours of community service and attend 40 hours of law-abiding driving classes.
The judge stated,"While there is a need for punishment that corresponds to the mental pain endured by the families of the deceased and the other victims, the bereaved families reached an agreement with the defendant and are hoping for leniency for the defendant. Considering the large sum deposited by the defendant and his hard work in order to help the victims' families recover from the harm, the sentence originally given is somewhat harsh.
As the deaths of two people and the harm done to the other four are serious results, we additionally ordered community service and law-abiding driving courses."
What are your thoughts on this decision? Fair, not fair enough, or too lenient?