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Netizen arrested for malicious comments about Wonder Girls’ Sohee

Netizen arrested for malicious comments about Wonder Girls’ Sohee

The netizen who’s been spreading malicious rumors and sending obscene comments toWonder GirlsSoheehas been arrested.

JYP Entertainmentstated on the 9th,“‘Mr. Lee’, who consistently spread false rumors related to our agency’s artist Sohee, was taken into custody on November 8. After seeing the results, we plan to take appropriate legal action against the aforementioned netizen.”

The agency filed a legal motion against netizen ‘Mr. Lee’ this past April after he disregarded warnings and messages to delete his malicious remarks and stop spreading false information. JYP Entertainment filed charges against the accused citing information network and protection as well as slander laws on April 16, and Seoul Gangnam Police Station’s legal team began investigations the next day.

‘Mr. Lee’ has continued to send sexually explicit and other obscene comments to Sohee. He’s also claiming that the Wonder Girls member is his girlfriend.

He’s reported to have posted over 150 inappropriate statements concerning Sohee since June of 2011 to August of this year.