'Netflix' stars Krysten Ritter, Ki Hong Lee, Soo Hyun, Josh Wakely, and more to visit South Korea

Get ready for many 'Netflix' stars to head over to South Korea soon!
It was revealed on June 10 thatKrysten RitterandMike Colterof 'Jessica Jones' fame,Ki Hong Leeof 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,'Soo Hyunof 'Marco Polo,' andJosh Wakelyof 'Beat Bugs' will be going to South Korea at the end of this month.
All five of them are stars on original 'Netflix' series. The platform had never done an event in South Korea, apart from launching its service, but the five of them will enter the country for promotional purposes. They will have interviews with various media outlets and more. This won't be too new for the actors who are used to the Korean entertainment and culture, like Ki Hong Lee, who visited multiple times before to promote his movies, and Soo Hyun, a Korean actress.
Look forward to what they'll do in South Korea during their visit!