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Lyn reveals her relationship with Lee Soo got better after going public

Lyn reveals her relationship with Lee Soo got better after going public

Some relationships may fall apart with too much public attention, but that’s not the case withLynandLee Soo.

The pair wentpublicwith their relationship recently, and they were initiallycriticizedand accused of doing media play with the release of Lyn’s new album among other things. However, not even hate comments were able to affect their relationship, as Lyn confirmed that the two had grown even closer!

On a recent recording ofKBS 2TV‘s ‘Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook‘, she confessed, “Because of this, I got even closer with my boyfriend. I’m practicing how to look at myself from the perspective of others.

When Yoo Hee Yeol said, “Thank you for coming out even though it might have been difficult,” she answered, “Not at all. There are people who can’t stand on stage even if they want to. I learned a lot from him that I should be thankful on stage“, referring to Lee Soo’sprior involvementin an underage prostitution scandal back in 2009.

The episode featuring Lyn will air on May 10.