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Joe Boa of 'Baek Jong-won's alley restaurant' shows a scary growth

 I thought I was going to have a program with Kim Sung-joo just as an MC, but I grew up as a MC who chewed his own knife and cooked skillfully, as well as being tasteless to the neglected restaurant owner.

In February, Joe Boa was put on MC of SBS 'Baek Jong - won' s Alley Restaurant, and it is playing a nickname called 'sympathy fairy' and 'restaurant reader'.


In the early days, the feeling of being a 'sympathy fairy', such as counting and understanding the minds of restaurant bosses, emanates a strong presence. Nowadays, it is called 'restaurant reader' because it is cooked directly and expresses frankly about food.

Recently, 'Baek Jong-won's Alley Restaurant' visited Incheon 'Shinpo Mall' Mall in Incheon, and Baek Jong-won is giving a solution every week to improve his solution. Joo Boa's work is great these days.


The most problematic house in Shinpo mall youth mall is Takoyaki house. The owner of Takoyaki did not neglect to get close to his appearance in the midst of making Takoyaki, which Baek Jong-won ordered. Takoyaki, who was expected to have a relatively short cooking time, came out about 20 minutes after ordering. But the taste was also shocking and above all, the hygiene was more stunning. I heard that it was "abusing the store".

The owner of Takoyaki replaced the refrigerator with the indication of Baek Jong-won, but the technology was a problem. "I have to have fun to see, but I am a bit annoyed." I have to do a lot of work. "

After a week, however, the president of the Takoyaki family was lost in making takoyaki with Joe Boa. Joe Boa practiced making takoyaki for a week and was surprised at Takoyaki house part-time student. Joe Boa boasted for a week's work, and Baek Jong-won saw "Joe Boa's skill" and said, "It's an evil." Until he responded that Joe Boa, who practiced for a week more than his boss who was 14 months old, was more.

Joe Boa, who showed a better talent than the president because of his obsession, predicted another performance. In a recent recording, Joe Boa visited the Takoyaki house, and the president was happy to hand over the present, but soon the atmosphere got cold.

Joe Boa, along with the solution, said, "Did you try to make money easily?"

Baek Jong-won is not only cooking enough to praise him, His performance will be revealed at 11:20 pm on the 17th.