J.Tune's new unit Pro C (Problem Children) releases 'Bad Memory' MV ahead of new boy group's full debut

According to press releases regarding the group, it's said Pro C is actually the rapper unit of a new boy group coming up!
This unit is kicking off its debut as well as serving as the introduction to the full boy group coming up with a song called "Bad Memory" featuring the talentedK.Will.The song is an acoustic hip hop track that features the raps of membersMoosandBUFFY.
J.Tune Camp commented,"Pro C, who is signaling the birth of a new boy group that is preparing for debut in the first half of 2014, will be showcasing their bad boy charms like their unit name 'Problem Children'."
So check out "Bad Memory" through the MV above, which unfortunately keeps the members' faces hidden, and stay tuned for more details regarding this Pro C unit and the new boy group coming up!