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Geum Bo-ra reveals her step-daughter

Geum Bo-ra reveals her step-daughter

Geum Bo-raintroduced her adopted daughter.

In the KBS 2TV program "Star Theater –Geum Bo-ra", actress of 33 years told about her life.

She enjoyed a date with her daughterKim Hyeon-jinon this day. She said, "When I first saw Hyeon-jin she was in the sixth grade. She had chubby cheeks and was very shy. She says she didn't go through adolescence but it was bad".

Geum Bo-raonly had three sons before she met Hyeon-jin and she seemed happy shopping with her daughter and doing daughter-mother things. Hyeon-jin's real mother had passed away when she was young so she treatedGeum Bo-rawell like her own.

Studying fashion, Hyeon-jin is tall and slim with stunning beauty.

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