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EXO's Chen and Chanyeol are asked to show off their great supernatural powers

EXO'sChenandChanyeolnot only got the chance to show off their vocal talent on 'Sugarman'...but they also showed off their other hidden abilities: their supernatural powers. 

Yes, Chen and Chanyeol are the good-looking 'aliens' from a planet called 'EXO Planet' in a far, far away galaxy! So it should be a given that they wield their great powers in front of all the lowly earthlings. 

MCYoo Jae Sukwas the first one who wanted to observe EXO's awesome powers, asking them about their inborn supernatural abilities. Though Chen and Chanyeol were reluctant, obviously worried that the sheer magnitude of their powers will make everyone cower in fright, they obliged by giving s sneak peek. 

Yoo Hee Yeoljoked, "It must be hard living." Indeed, it must be hard hiding all that power and living among the humans....