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An official statement has been released regarding Roy Kim being reported to be in one of the chatrooms with Jung Joon Young.

Singer Roy Kim receives a police investigation as a reference to Jung Jun-young's story. 

"Roy Keim is currently in the United States and we are in the process of coordinating our efforts to be investigated and returning to our country sooner or later," he said. The details of the investigation schedule were discussed. 


Roy Kim is said to be a member of a police car that distributed illegal footage. On the second day, the police said, "We are in the process of setting up a referral investigation schedule." Super Junior Kangin, Model Lee Chul-woo, 2AM Jung Jin-woon, who shot the entertainment program together with Chung Joon-young, were also referred to as references. Some have already been investigated. 

The following is an entry for Roy Keim. 
We are pleased to announce the official position of singer Roy Kim. 

Roy Kim is currently in the process of coordinating his studies in the United States, so that he can come back and investigate as soon as possible during his studies. In addition, I plan to be faithful to the necessary investigation. 
Thank you.